Fresh and Loose Seascapes in Acrylics | Craig Penny
About this workshop
Immerse yourself in the wonderful medium of acrylic painting.
Enjoy learning more about this wonderful art form with guidance and teaching through painting seascapes with energy.
Using photographs as his muse, Craig will show you how to achieve a modern, fairly loose and Expressionist painting.
You will be encouraged to complete 2 paintings over the course of the weekend, one per day, both 76x61cm (30"x24"). You will complete a third, smaller, painting (no more than 46x61cm (18"x24") within a 1 hour deadline! This will be for fun and just to help you loosen up your style under Craig's guidance.
Please note, you must prime your canvases in a very pale blue in advance of the workshop.
Craig will provide printed photos to work from.
Who is this workshop suitable for?
Artists with any level of experience, including beginners, are welcome in this workshop.
What do I need to bring?
Two 76x61cm (30"x24")
One 46x61cm (18"x24")
Please prime your canvases in a very pale blue in advance of the workshop.
A range of fine to broad brushes
Acrylic Paint:
Suggested Matisse Colours - Prussian Blue, Cadmium Red, Primary Yellow, Sky Blue, Australian Sienna, Titanium White, Olive Green, Permanent Light Violet, Australian Blue gum, Raw Umber, Burnt Sienna
Acrylic Palettes
Spray Bottle
Something to draw with
Palette knife
Impasto Medium, Gel Medium
Water Bucket
Drop Sheet
Please bring your lunch and snacks or you can purchase from cafes close by.
What is provided?
- tea, coffee (please bring your own cup)
- a friendly, supportive and encouraging learning environment
- connection to the Bienarté art community
About the Tutor
Craig studied art at Federation University, where painting and graphic design attracted most of his attention. Craig pursued a successful career as an illustrator in the advertising industry and became a member of the Illustrators' Association of Australia.
His career has progressed into a range of mediums. As a result, Craig has also undertaken a successful career in teaching traditional drawing and illustration at both Victoria University and Swinburne University. Throughout this time, Craig never lost his love of using traditional methods and now specialises in watercolour and acrylic painting. This has led to an extremely successful solo career.
<h4 id="header-about-this-workshop">About this workshop</h4>
<p>Immerse yourself in the wonderful medium of acrylic painting.</p>
<p>Enjoy learning more about this wonderful art form with guidance and

If there isn't a class to suit you, please the waiting list.
Course testimonials:
- An absolute joy to attend this workshop. Craig Penny is a fantastic tutor, and I learnt so much. Bienarte has an amazing studio with plenty of light and space. I am a returning student and would encourage anyone who is able and wants to learn something new to try these workshops.....Shane from Toowoomba