Loose Florals in Watercolour and Ink | Libby Derham
Join us in discovering the enchanting qualities of watercolour, mark-making and ink.
Be inspired by stunning native flora like Banksias as you paint from life under the guidance of award-winning artist Libby Derham.
About the workshop
In this engaging and relaxed-approach workshop students will learn to create expressive and relaxed watercolour paintings on paper.
What will I learn?
Day 1: Students begin by familiarising themselves with the tools they will be using and loosening up their watercolours with mark-making. Students will develop a collection of marks and sketches that will help to refine a looser style, setting the stage for Day 2.
Day 2: Building on the foundation and familiarity established on Day 1, Day 2 focuses on the skills of selection and composition drawn from your preparatory work. You'll learn to identify and develop tone while working on dual paintings.
Who is this workshop suitable for?
Suitable for any level, including absolute beginners.
What do I need to bring?
Fresh Flowers/Natives to Draw From
- Mop brush - (suggested: Micador Revolution Ouill Mop Size 2)
- 1-2 round brushes (recommend size 4 and size 8 in Taklon, but bring what you have)
Watercolour Paint - Pans or Tubes:
- Warm and cool primaries
- Payne's Gray
- Optional - Opera Pink and Buff Titanium)
- Art Spectrum or Liquitex permanent Ink - (Transparent Raw Umber, Burnt Sienna or Sepia recommended)
Watercolour Paper - Fabriano Artistico - 25% cotton (budget), or you may prefer to use 100% cotton:
- 300gsm hot press - 2 full sheets
- 300gsm cold press - 2 full sheets
Other Materials:
- Small spray bottle of water
- Paper towel
- Masking Tape - (suggested Bear 24mm x 50m Washi from Bunnings)
- Plastic pipettes (cheap shops are great for these) optional - nib/dip pen
- HB or 2B pencil
- Apron (or advise to wear old clothes)
Please bring your lunch and snacks or you can purchase from cafes close by. We do have a fridge at the studio for your convenience.
What else is provided?
- Tea, coffee and biscuits (please bring your own cup)
- A friendly, supportive and encouraging learning environment
- Connection to the Bienarté art community
About the Tutor
An award-winning artist, Libby is a fourth-generation water-colourist, passionate at pushing the medium into the contemporary space. She won the Annie Tan Memorial Watercolour Award - Queensland Regional Art Awards (2021) and has been a finalist in multiple local and national awards including Splash: McClelland Contemporary Watercolour Award (2021), QRAA (2020), Local Artist Local Content (2022/2021/2020) and Du Rietz Art Awards (2021/2020). Libby is also representing Australia at the fabrianoinacquarello watercolour symposium in Italy and USA in 2024.
Useful Information
<p>Join us in discovering the enchanting qualities of watercolour, mark-making and ink. </p>
<p>Be inspired by stunning native flora like Banksias as you paint from life under the guidance of

If there isn't a class to suit you, please the waiting list.