Plein Air and Studio Watercolour | Herman Pekel
About this workshop
Students will meet at the Landsborough studio for a welcome chat and introduction to the workshop by Herman. You will then head out together to paint en plein air in the surrounding area.
Day 1 will be spent in Nature and you'll return your work and materials to the Landsborough studio for overnight storage.
For Day 2 you will head back indoors to the studio at Landsborough and you'll spend the second day indoors adding polish and detail to your loose, plein air painting from day 1. This workshop is designed to give you the best of both worlds - the freshness of painting outside and the organisation of finishing inside the studio.
This is a unique workshop that has been put together with Herman and Bienarté to maximise the student experience.
What will I learn?
Herman will show you how to find a good subject when you are painting outdoors and then how to simplify it for maximum effect.
Through Herman's relaxed approach to en plein air painting, you will be guided in how to set up for outdoor painting in all types of locations. Herman will show you how limited materials can be used in different ways to create your final work.
Who is this workshop suitable for?
Students with some experience in watercolour will get the most out of this workshop, but people who have been painting for years but feel their work needs a new direction will also love it!
What do I need to bring?
Herman uses a French easel but says that it's fine to paint without an easel just using a board on your lap sitting on a folding chair.
Good quality watercolour paper - Saunders or Archers large 300gsm Rough 56cm x 76cm. 1 sheet for the painting but please bring extra for any practice pieces.
Hake watercolour brushes, 1" and 2"
Chinese watercolour brush - any cheap brushes will do
Any watercolour paints you like that are suited to an outdoor subject. Herman typically uses:
French Ultramarine, Burnt Sienna, Raw Sienna, Alizarin, White or white gouache, Yellow Ochre, Viridian Green, Cadmium Yellow Pale and a squeezy tube of PVA glue
Water container, Pencil, Masking tape, Box of tissues or rags, Backing Board, Easel, Folding chair, Sunscreen, a hat and some drinking water
What is provided?
- Tea and coffee (bring your own cup)
- A friendly, supportive and encouraging learning environment
- Connection to the Bienarté art community
Useful Information
<h3 id="header-about-this-workshop">About this workshop</h3>
<p>Students will meet at the Landsborough studio for a welcome chat and introduction to the workshop by Herman. You will then head out

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