Bienarte Sunshine Coast - Bienarté
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Bienarte Sunshine Coast

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Playing With Acrylics | Jenni Kelly

Playing With Acrylics | Jenni Kelly

Be prepared to scrape, spray, roll and glaze paint! This workshop will introduce fellow artists to some Creative and Fun acrylics methods. In other words - "PLAY WITH ACRYLICS!" You will leave the workshop with a greater understanding of Acrylics and a new found confidence. The work will be Impressionistic - Fun and Free (style of work)!!! What will I learn? Jenni will provide a step-by-step guide so you learn how to let loose and to be creative. You will explore and discover... [More]

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Foundations in Oils - Weekend Intensive | Marcel Desbiens

Foundations in Oils - Weekend Intensive | Marcel Desbiens

"Anyone can paint if they are given the right instructions.” - Marcel Desbiens, Master Artist and Principal Tutor If you have never picked up a paintbrush before, this course will give you the technical skills and knowledge to help fast-track your painting process and produce stunning works of art of your own. All in a friendly and supportive environment. This Weekend Workshop has been designed by Marcel Desbiens and has been developed specifically for the weekend timeframe.  This... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

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